Brownsburg Education Foundation: A Caring Community Invests in the Future of its Children
Brownsburg Education Foundation (BEF) was among the first public school foundations in the state of Indiana, setting a fine precedent for concerned parents and educators in other school districts. Today, many communities are finding that their schools just don’t have the wherewithal to give children what they need for a fully-rounded education. But since 1987, the Brownsburg Education Foundation has been filling in where school district funds fall short, offering grants for educators, scholarships for students, and enrichment activities of all kinds.
This volunteer organization has had a tremendous impact on the children in Brownsburg, raising money for everything from books, to science equipment, to special education vocational skills materials, and more. All told, BEF serves over 10,400 children and 580 teachers spread across thirteen Brownsburg Community School Corporation buildings. Brownsburg Education Foundation serves as a shining example of what caring communities can do for children, once they set their minds to the task.
We put some questions Brownsburg Education Foundation Executive Director Rene Behrend, to gain insights into the work of this our latest Kars4Kids small grant recipient:
Kars4Kids: Tell us a bit about the community and the children you serve. What’s your demographic?
Rene Behrend: The Brownsburg Community School Corporation serves a diverse student population, with Caucasian students making up the majority at 67% of the enrollment. The remaining student body consists of 17% African American students, 7% Hispanic students, 6% multi-racial students, and 3% Asian students. In terms of socioeconomic diversity, one quarter of the student population qualifies for free and reduced lunch programs.

Kars4Kids: InCredible Award Grants are awarded to individual staff members or small groups of staff members who want to complete a special project or create a club for the students of the Brownsburg Community Schools. Can you describe some of the projects and clubs you’ve funded through this grant program? Are the staff members generally teachers?
Rene Behrend: The foundation has funded several innovative educational projects across all grade levels, including $2,669.52 for tricycles and plasma cars to enhance preschoolers’ physical development, and $4,676.96 for picture book sets to strengthen global education and science literacy across elementary schools. At the middle school level, grants included $800 for creative literature projects and $6,476.98 for STEM technology including Spheros robots and science equipment. Brownsburg High School received multiple grants, including $543.84 for special education vocational skills materials, $146.97 for newspaper stands, and $650 for a mathematics string art project.

Kars4Kids: BEF also has a District Excellence Award grants program. How does this differ from InCredible Award Grants, and can you talk about some of the projects that have received funding through this award?
Rene Behrend: The District Excellence Award grants benefit every grade level and department in the Brownsburg Community School Corporation. They address needs that are based more on the curriculum and include funding supplies that may have been cut from the budget.
Kars4Kids: Let’s talk about the student scholarships funded by BEF. How many scholarships do you award each year, what amount do you give, and how do you choose the recipients?
Rene Behrend: The Class of 2024 received $72,000 in scholarships from BEF. This includes several named endowed scholarships that will be given in perpetuity. Several of our scholarships are also renewable now as well. The amount of scholarships each year varies, but we have given additional scholarships each of the last 12 years. The recipients are chosen through a blind selection process by a BEF scholarship committee each year.
Kars4Kids: BEF has a Brownsburg Community School Corporation (BCSC) Teacher of the Year Award as well as a Staff Member of the Year Award. What is the nomination process? Is this a monetary award? How much do they receive? Can you tell us a bit about this year’s recipients?
Rene Behrend: The Teacher of the Year and Staff Member of the Year are chosen by the school administration each year. They are nominated by their peers. BEF supplies a monetary award to each of the school winners and then to each overall district winner. The two overall district recipients each receive $1,000 and these awards are sponsored and funded by community partners. The 2024 Teacher of the Year recipient is Kyla Reineke and she teaches social studies at Brownsburg East Middle School. The 2024 Staff Member of the Year is Elisabeth Allgire and she is an instructional assistant at Reagan Elementary School.
Kars4Kids: Tell us about your Real Men Read program? How does it work? Why specifically men?
Rene Behrend: The Brownsburg Education Foundation is proud to fund this early literacy program. Men in the community, MENtors, volunteer their time once a month to read to all kindergartners in the school corporation. Each month, the students get a copy of the book that is read to take home to their families and continue reading together. The program utilizes men as volunteers to actively demonstrate to young boys that reading is valued by positive male role models, thereby encouraging them to develop a love for reading and literacy skills, especially when they might not have a significant male figure in their lives who reads regularly; essentially showing that “real men” do read and value education.

Kars4Kids: What is the Purdue Science Express?
Rene Behrend: The Brownsburg Education Foundation pays for the teachers to be trained on various pieces of lab equipment through the Purdue Science Express program, and they then have access to over $4 million worth of research-grade instruments to use in their classrooms throughout the year. Equipment is delivered by Purdue and left at BHS for a week, then picked back up by Purdue and returned to the University. This grant provides the students access to many sophisticated pieces of lab equipment that they otherwise would not have the opportunity to use.
Kars4Kids: The work of BEF encompasses after and out-of-school activities, programs, and projects. Can you give us an overview of some of these programs and projects?
Rene Behrend: In addition to funding classroom programs and projects, BEF also supports after school running clubs at all eight elementary schools, a Pioneer Camp over the summer for exiting 3rd – 5th grade students and helps purchase equipment for the Brownsburg High School Robotics Club. BEF also has an Essentials for Excellence Fund that supports the FastTrack school prep program available for students on free or reduced lunch as well as supports the school food pantry.

Kars4Kids: Can you talk about your 2024 Innovative Grant of the Year? What is “Write or Flight?”
Rene Behrend: The BCSC occupational therapists observed a growing trend in fine/visual motor and handwriting deficits. Subjective data shows various reasons for this, one being how students “play” outside the classroom, as technology has replaced the sidewalk chalk and coloring books. Many of kindergartners are also entering school with limited or no preschool experience, as the COVID pandemic kept many of them at home in their early years. When these students do not the opportunity to grasp these skills, they sometimes enter the “flight” phase and writing becomes a negative experience. Through the funding of this project, all students have access to a “Writing Toolbox” with materials to provide students with the foundations for successful handwriting required for academic excellence.

Kars4Kids: What’s next for Brownsburg Education Foundation?
Rene Behrend: The Brownsburg Education Foundation continues to evolve and grow to support educational excellence in Brownsburg schools. By strengthening alumni engagement in 2025 through networking events, social media outreach, and creating opportunities for graduates to give back to their alma mater, the BEF aims to build a stronger connection with its alumni base. Looking ahead, the foundation will continue its focus on funding innovative classroom grants, supporting teacher excellence, and creating enhanced learning opportunities for students across all grade levels. The Brownsburg Education Foundation also aims to expand its impact through increased community partnerships and fundraising initiatives to ensure Brownsburg students have access to cutting-edge educational resources and experiences.