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Gentlemen By Choice: Developing Tomorrow’s Leaders Today

Gentlemen By Choice (GBC) and its companion program, Ladies By Choice (LBC) believes that with support, young people can surmount any obstacles that may stand in their way, to become the leaders of the next generation. This, despite the low expectations of “expert” statisticians and the media. GBC and LBC ignore all that to focus on providing young men and women the tools they need to develop the confidence they need to assert and propel them to success.

We see lots of mentoring programs by way of our small grants program. GBC and LBC, however, have a special brand of mentoring they refer to as “distinctive.” The tangible impact of both GBC and LBC, proves that their unique mentoring program is working just fine.

We spoke to Gentlemen by Choice Co-Founder and Chief​ ​Executive​ Officer Richard Jack III to find out more about this work:

Kars4Kids: Tell us something about your community and demographic. How would you describe the typical Gentlemen By Choice or Ladies By Choice participant?

Richard Jack III: Gentlemen By Choice and Ladies By Choice are dedicated programs for youth, typically ages 10 to 18. We primarily serve young men and women from Title 1 schools who are often identified as needing additional support for behavior. GBC empowers young men to build self-esteem; develop leadership skills; and broaden their perspectives beyond the typical role models they see in the media. Similarly, LBC offers young women the same dedicated support, helping them realize their full potential. Both programs share the mission of nurturing the next generation of leaders, equipping them with the tools they need to succeed and make a positive impact in their communities.

Kars4Kids: Can you tell us a bit about the history of Gentlemen By Choice? When and by whom was it founded? What need was Gentlemen By Choice meant to fill?

Richard Jack III: Gentlemen By Choice was founded in 2014 by educators Richard Jack III and Antanus Pullum in Las Vegas. Seeing the lack of support for underserved young men, they created GBC to provide the mentorship and personal development these youth needed to succeed. GBC quickly became more than just an after-school program, offering structured guidance in leadership and personal growth. Since its start, GBC has impacted over 1,500 youth, expanding its reach and deepening its impact through strong partnerships and innovative programs.

Kars4Kids: What is the overall goal of your Youth Personal and Leadership Development program?

Richard Jack III: The overall goal of our Youth Personal and Leadership Development program is to empower underserved youth by equipping them with the essential skills, mindset, and confidence needed to become tomorrow’s leaders. We focus on developing leadership qualities; fostering self-discipline; and enhancing personal growth, ensuring that each participant is prepared to navigate life’s challenges and excel in their academic, personal, and future professional lives. Through structured mentorship and evidence-based programs, we aim to inspire young people to reach their full potential and make a positive impact in their communities.

Kars4Kids: Your website says that you, in part, empower youth with “distinctive” mentoring. Can you explain what distinguishes your mentoring program from other youth mentorship programs?

Richard Jack III: Our holistic and evidence-based approach to youth development sets our mentoring program apart. We go beyond traditional mentoring by integrating leadership training, financial literacy, image and etiquette education, and mindset development into our curriculum. Our mentors are not just role models—they are dedicated guides who help each participant build a strong foundation of self-discipline, confidence, and personal responsibility. Additionally, our program is tailored to the unique needs of underserved youth, offering consistent support and real-world skills that empower them to succeed in school and life. This comprehensive, personalized approach ensures that our mentoring is impactful and truly transformative.

Kars4Kids: Your website lists 10 attributes or goals you aim to impart to participants in your program. Can you speak to “adaptability?” Don’t children just naturally learn to be adaptable as they grow? How do you teach children to be adaptable?

Richard Jack III: Adaptability is a crucial skill that we intentionally cultivate in our program because while children may naturally develop some level of adaptability as they grow, it’s not always enough to navigate the complex and rapidly changing world they face today. In our program, we teach adaptability by fostering a growth mindset, which encourages participants to see challenges as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles. This adaptability is directly correlated to personal development, as it empowers youth to continually evolve and improve themselves in response to new experiences and challenges.

We provide real-world scenarios and challenges that require youth to think critically; adjust their approaches; and remain resilient in the face of change. Through activities like problem-solving exercises, teamwork, and leadership training, we help them develop the mindset needed to embrace change and continuously learn from their experiences. By promoting this growth mindset and highlighting the connection between adaptability and personal development, our participants become more adaptable; better equipped to handle life’s uncertainties; and more confident in their ability to thrive no matter what comes their way.

Kars4Kids: Civic engagement is another facet of your program. How are you teaching children the importance of getting involved with issues that concern the public at large?

Richard Jack III:  We teach civic engagement by giving our youth direct exposure to community events and involving them in volunteer activities. By taking them to different events and encouraging participation in meaningful volunteer opportunities, we help them understand the importance of getting involved in public issues. This hands-on experience, paired with our leadership training, shows them how their actions can drive positive change. Through this approach, we foster a sense of responsibility and pride, empowering them to become active, informed citizens who contribute to the well-being of their communities.

Kars4Kids: Gentlemen By Choice works in tandem with local schools. How do these partnerships work?

Richard Jack III: Our partnerships with local schools are central to the success of both Gentlemen By Choice and Ladies By Choice. We collaborate closely with educators and administrators to integrate our programs into the school environment, ensuring they complement and enhance the students’ overall development. We provide in-school mentoring, leadership training, and personal development workshops that align with the schools’ goals for their students. These partnerships allow us to reach students where they are, offering consistent support and tailored programming that addresses their specific needs. By working hand-in-hand with schools, we create a cohesive support system that empowers both young men and women to excel academically and personally.

Kars4Kids: How does your Ladies By Choice program differ from what you offer the boys in GBC?

Richard Jack III:  Ladies By Choice and Gentlemen By Choice both aim to develop confident, capable leaders, but they focus on different aspects of growth, tailored to the needs of young women and men. LBC emphasizes empowerment, guiding young women to build self-respect; navigate societal expectations; and break barriers in traditionally male-dominated fields. This focus on empowerment helps young women realize their full potential and become strong, independent leaders.

In contrast, GBC focuses on enrichment, providing young men with the tools and experiences needed to enhance their personal growth, leadership skills, and civic responsibility. By focusing on enrichment, we help young men develop a well-rounded character, fostering the discipline and values that lead to success in all areas of life.

Both programs share the goal of nurturing future leaders. While LBC empowers young women to overcome specific societal challenges, GBC enriches young men by broadening their perspectives and deepening their understanding of leadership and responsibility. Together, these programs offer tailored support that addresses the unique needs and aspirations of each group, ensuring that both young women and men are equipped to thrive in their communities and beyond.

Kars4Kids: What role do parents play in your program, if at all? Is parent engagement important to what you do?

Richard Jack III: Parent engagement plays a crucial role in the success of our programs at both Gentlemen By Choice and Ladies By Choice. We believe that parents are key partners in their children’s development, and their involvement significantly enhances the impact of our programs. We actively encourage parents to participate in workshops, events, and engage in regular communication with mentors to stay informed about their child’s progress.

By engaging parents, we create a supportive network that reinforces the lessons and values taught in our programs at home. This collaboration helps ensure that the growth and development fostered in GBC and LBC are consistent and long-lasting. Parent involvement not only strengthens the connection between the program and home life but also empowers parents to contribute to their children’s journey toward becoming confident and responsible leaders.

Kars4Kids: What’s next for Gentlemen By Choice?

Richard Jack III: The future of Gentlemen By Choice and Ladies By Choice is set to expand significantly with the launch of the LBC GBC Online Academy. This digital platform will make our personal development and leadership training accessible to a broader audience, removing geographical barriers and allowing us to reach youth who might not be able to attend our in-person programs.

The LBC GBC Online Academy will feature interactive courses that teach essential skills in leadership; image; financial management; etiquette; and personal development. Additionally, the academy will offer parent courses designed to give parents the tools they need to better support their child’s growth and development. With virtual mentoring and a supportive online community, young men and women will have the resources they need to thrive from anywhere.

This initiative represents a major step forward for both GBC and LBC, enabling us to extend our impact and empower more youth and families than ever before. By embracing technology and creating a flexible, accessible learning environment, the LBC GBC Online Academy will help us fulfill our mission of developing tomorrow’s leaders today.